Sexual Harassment Committee

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Introduction to Committee?

Moti Singh Memorial College has constituted a committee against sexual harassment. Guidelines issued from the University Grants Commission (UGC) with regard to the Supreme Court Judgement and guidelines to provide for the effective enforcement of the basic human right of gender equality and guarantee to combat sexual harassment, abuse and violence against women, more particularly against harassment at work places. The committee deliberates on the issues and document the minutes of the meeting.

Preamble of Committee

With regard to the Supreme Court Judgement and guidelines issued in 1997 to provide for the effective enforcement of the basic human right of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment and abuse, more particularly against sexual harassment at work places, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued circulars since 1998, to all the universities, advising them to establish a permanent cell and a committee; to develop guidelines to combat sexual harassment, violence against women and ragging at the universities and colleges. Keeping the above guidelines in view Moti Singh Memorial College has constituted a Committee against SexualHarassment.

With regard to the Supreme Court Judgement and guidelines issued in 1997 to provide for the effective enforcement of the basic human right of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment and abuse, more particularly against sexual harassment at work places, 

the University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued circulars since 1998, to all the universities, advising them to establish a permanent cell and a committee; to develop guidelines to combat sexual harassment, violence against women and ragging at the universities and colleges. Keeping the above guidelines in view Moti Singh Memorial College has constituted a Committee against Sexual Harassment.

Every member is expected to be aware of the commitment to the right to freedom of expression and association, it strongly supports gender equality and opposes any form of gender discrimination and violence.
The Supreme Court of India, in a landmark judgment in August 1997 (Vishaka & others vs. the State of Rajasthan & others) stated that every instance of sexual harassment is a violation of “Fundamental Rights” under Articles 14, 15, and 21 of the Constitution of India, and amounts to a violation of the “Right to Freedom” under Article 19 (1)(g). The Supreme Court further reiterated that sexual harassment “is a violation of the fundamental right to gender equality and the right to life and liberty”.

Roles and Responsibilities of Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee

Composition of Anti-sexual harassment committe (2023-24)

S. NoNameDesignationPositionEmail idMobile Number
1.Dr. Chhavi VermaAssistant Professor/Teaching FacultyChairpersonChhavi1010verma@yahoo.com7217546746
2.Miss. NooreenAssistant Professor/Teaching 
3.Miss UrubaReceptionist /Non-Teaching FacultyMemberK93192609@gamil.com9027577887
4.Smt Sunita DeviAdmin Assistant/Non-Teaching 
5.Mr. MordhwajAdvocate/NGO RepresentativeMemberadv.mordhwajsingh@gmail.com9953001526
6.Km.Gulista ParveenStudent Representative 
7.Km. MeenuStudent Representative 
8.Km. ShilpiStudent Representative 

Power of the Committee

1. The Committee shall have the power to summon witnesses and call for documents or any information from any employee/student.
2. If the Committee has reason to believe that an employee/student is capable of furnishing relevant documents or information, it may direct such person to produce such documents or information by serving a notice in writing on that person, summoning the person, or calling for such documents or information at such place and within such time as may be specified in the written notice.
3. Where any relevant document or information is recorded or stored by means of a mechanical, electronic or other device, the Committee shall have the power to direct that the same be produced, or that a clear reproduction in writing of the same be produced.
4. Upon production of documents / information called for by it, the Committee shall have the power to (i) make copies of such documents / information or extracts there from; or (ii) retain such documents / information for such period as may be deemed necessary for purposes of the proceedings before it.
5. The Committee shall have the power to issue interim directions to / with regard to any person participating in the proceedings before it.
6. The Committee shall have the power to recommend the action to be taken against any person found guilty of (a) sexually harassing the complainant; (b) retaliating against / victimizing the complainant or any other person before it; and (c) making false charges of sexual harassment against the accused person.

Annual Report

The Chairperson of the Committee will prepare an Annual Report at the end of each academic year, giving a full account of the activities of the Committee during the year gone by. A copy of the report may be sent to the Moti Singh Memorial College Management; Registrar, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University; and the UGC.